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Welcome to the singer songwriter journal! First off, you are supporting a woman owned business and a fellow singer songwriter. Thank you!


My experience with journals has been...very unorganized. I had 10-20 different notebooks that my songs or ideas would be written in. When I was ready to use that one line or word in a song....I could never find it and the moment was gone. I tried finding other journals that I could stay more organized with my songwriting while also staying creative. Everything I found was too analytical for my creative blood. So... I just made one!


I have been around music all my life and grew up with a talented songwriting dad. My entire life, summers never meant vacations, they meant music festivals. My parents worked all the Planet Bluegrass music festivals while I was growing up. I now have stepped into their shoes and have continued the tradition. I have never missed a festival since I was a kid and the community surrounding these festivals has changed my life. As I grew, I continued on the journey to find that "normal" job, while continuously being pulled to my entrepreneur endeavors and music. As much as I tried, turns out that 9-5 was not the life for me. I have gone through many challenges to find out who I really am (such songwriter talk right?). As you may know, a songwriters' vulnerability is their greatest strength.


So here I am! I am being vulnerable in the sense that I want to share my creativity and support my fellow singer songwriters with the tools that I have found helpful for me. I have had so much fun creating this journal and I hope it helps bring the songs out of you to share with yourself or the world! You have the power within you to create something no one else can. I can't wait to hear your song!


Sections Include:

  • Song List
  • Morning Journal
  • Lyrical Words
  • One Liners
  • Songs Songstorming
  • Extra Journal Pages


I print and bind these myself!  They are handmade with love.  

The Singer Songwriter Journal

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